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Student Handbook

  • Director of Schools: Mrs. Stephanie Huskey

    Principal: Greg Haggard

    Assistant Principal: Mike Latham

    Assistant Principal: Dr. Katherine Messer

    Assistant Principal: Brandi Stallings


    Address: 732 Boyds Creek Highway, Seymour, Tennessee 37865

    Telephone: 865-577-7040

    Fax Front Office/Attendance: 865-609-6819

    Fax Guidance/Records: 865-579-1492


    Message from Our Principal

    Dear SHS Parent/Guardian(s) and Student(s):

    Welcome to Seymour High School and the 2024-2025 school year. A key component to the success of our students and school is clear communication between the school and home. This is not intended to be a complete list of every rule or guideline, but rather a general outline of policies and procedures for smooth operation of our school. Many instances have unique circumstances, making it impossible to have a policy for every situation. These guidelines, tempered with good judgement and common sense, serve as the basis to make time at Seymour High School pleasant and rewarding for students, staff, and parents. Please take time to read and discuss this handbook with your student, sign the page below, and return the signed page to the school.  We are looking forward to a safe, productive, and enjoyable school year.  If either of us can ever be of help to you, please do not hesitate to call or email us.



    Greg Haggard



    Seymour High School Mission

    Seymour High School’s mission is to provide a learning environment where students receive a rigorous, quality education aligned with the Tennessee State Standards while feeling safe, supported, and encouraged. With the help of our families and community, we strive to motivate our students to become efficient learners and effective communicators who are prepared for their worldwide endeavors.


    Seymour High School Vision

    Seymour High School will encourage students to build individual strengths, improve self-discipline, foster personal growth, and develop a sense of community.


    Our Eagle Beliefs

    We, the students of Seymour High School, believe we have the responsibility to:

    • Capitalize on the educational opportunities designed to prepare us for both present and future endeavors
    • Develop the attributes and characteristics that will enable us to pursue our individual goals
    • Seize the academic, personal, and social opportunities that Seymour High School and our community has to offer us

    We, the teachers at Seymour High School, believe we have the responsibility to:

    • Provide our students with an opportunity for an appropriately challenging education designed to help each student
    • Establish a safe learning environment which fosters the development of the traits and characteristics necessary
    • Support as many of the student’s individual needs as our expertise and resources will allow students to fulfill their potential to be successful academically, personally, and socially. We, the stakeholders for Seymour High School, believe we have the responsibility to:
    • Support the programs necessary for the success of our students
    • Invest the time and resources needed to facilitate the academic, personal, and social growth of each individual
    • Assist our partners in education in the process of encouraging out students to recognize and take their place in our local and global communities
  • Attendance Notes

    Each semester students are allowed to provide 5 parent notes for absences or Tardies. Each note may only cover one event per day(absence or tardy).  Notes must be submitted within 48 hours of student’s return. After 5 parent notes are used, students must provide a doctor's note in order for absences to be excused.  The State School Compulsory Attendance Law, TN annotated 49-6-3006, requires the school system to file a juvenile truancy petition once a student accrues 5 unexcused absences from school. Please note that the attendance record does not start over with the spring semester.  Students participating in school-sponsored activities will not be counted absent.  All missed classwork or tests must be made up when a student has an excused absence or is out of class on a school-sponsored activity. When a student's absence is unexcused, the student will be allowed to make up tests missed.

    Tardies to Class

    (<20 minutes) – (8:00 – 8:19 am or after each class final bell)

    Students are expected to be on time to their classes each day. Tardies are not limited to 1st period, but include all classes throughout the day, as students have 7 minutes to change classes. Students will receive a disciplinary consequence for 3 and more unexcused tardies.


    High School Attendance

    Under the State of Tennessee Compulsory School Attendance Law, students must attend all sessions of their school while enrolled unless there are valid reasons for absences. The following shall constitute valid reasons for excusable absences:

    1. Illness of student
    2. Serious illness or death of immediate family member
    3. Religious holidays
    4. Impassable roads
    5. Medical appointments (as signed by the physician)
    6. Other excusable circumstances

    If unexcused absences equal more than five (5) days for the entire school year, the Dropout Prevention Coordinator will be contacted and additional steps will be taken to remedy the attendance problems (T.C.A.-3001)



    If a student misses more than twenty (20) minutes of a class, the student will be counted absent. When a student has missed 20 minutes of a class or returns from an all day absence, he/she must bring a parent ATTENDANCE NOTE to the office. The absences will be recorded as unexcused until the attendance note is obtained. Parents are requested to call the school on the day of the absence and explain the absence.


    Checking In after 8:20 am

    Students must check-in through the office. Parents may check their students in personally or a parent attendance note is needed. Notes may be faxed to the school (865-609-6819) or emailed to or that day if necessary. All check-ins will be unexcused until an attendance note is provided.


    Checking Out Early

    Once on school property, NO STUDENTS may leave campus without following office check out procedures. WE DO NOT CHECK STUDENTS OUT OVER THE PHONE. All students will need a parent to personally check them out in the office or turn in a parent attendance note before leaving. If needed parents may fax attendance notes to the school (865-609-6819) or email notes to or Students are not allowed to leave campus during lunch unless a parent/guardian comes into the office and checks them out.


    SCSS Progressive Truancy Intervention Plan

     All students must follow the new state law, which requires school personnel to intervene with services for students who accrue five (5) or more unexcused absences during the school year. A student's first five (5) absences in each semester may be excused with a note from a parent.

    Parents must provide multiple (telephone, address, email) accurate means of communication so that they can be kept apprised of attendance related issues.  Failure to maintain accurate contact information and to update this information as needed does not relieve parents of their responsibility to engage in communication with school personnel regarding attendance matters and may result in court action.

    Tier One, All Students

    At two unexcused absences, parent/student will receive a warning regarding unexcused absences and an attendance protocol review.

    Tier Two, Continued Accumulation of 5 Unexcused Absences

    School personnel will initiate a parent/student conference to review attendance, sign attendance contract, complete needs assessment with recommendations for resources/interventions, schedule regular follow-up meetings, and submit a referral for school counseling, if necessary.

    Tier Three Continued Accumulation of Unexcused Absences 5+; Non Compliance with Tiers 1 & 2 Mandates

    School personnel will work with parents to review of the attendance contract and will consider the potential employment of school-based community services, restorative justice programming, or Saturday or after-school courses meant to improve attendance.  Thereafter, or in instances in which parents refuse to cooperate with documented attempts to improve attendance, attendance teams may make referral to appropriate juvenile authorities.

    Make-up Work (BP-632)

    Students who receive an excused absence are required to make up work missed in each class (Board Policy 623). In grades 7-12, it is the student’s responsibility to obtain all make-up work from teachers immediately upon returning to school. Students have at least the same number of days to complete the make-up work as the number of days absent. Students and parents are strongly encouraged to visit class and teacher webpages on the school website to keep current on assignments and make-up work.

    When a student’s absence is unexcused, the student will be allowed to make up missed tests; however, they will receive a zero for regular class work or the student will be penalized three (3) points off his/her daily grade; for an unexcused tardy, one (1) point will be deducted. If a student misses more than twenty (20) minutes of a class, the student will be counted absent.


    Family Vacation Approval

    The Sevier County Board of Education recognizes that families may request a vacation. Parents should make such requests directly to the school principal at least 2 weeks before requested dates. The Board allows the principal to approve one family vacation per year for a student for up to five days. Students with 3 or more unexcused absences, more than 10 absences of any variety, or those approaching the state’s threshold for being considered chronically absent during the current or previous academic year shall not be approved for vacation days.  If more than five days are requested, the principal will refer the request to the Central Office with a recommendation for approval or disapproval. If any request is disapproved, the parents may appeal the decision to the Superintendent's hearing officer.


    Field Trips

    Students will be allowed to travel on field trips only if parental permission is granted prior to the date of the trip. Under some circumstances deemed necessary by the administration, students may not be allowed to participate in field trips. Permission may not be granted due to discipline consequences, poor academic performance, or unpaid lunch charges. Approved field trips will not affect the exam exemption policy listed above.


    College Visits

    College visits taken by seniors will normally be limited to two school days and will be considered school-related field trip activities. Students must check with the school counselor in advance to ensure that appropriate procedure is followed. Approved college visits will not affect the exam exemption policy listed above.

  • NHS Selection Procedure

    The Seymour High School’s Karen Housewright Tipton chapter of National Honor Society is a duly chartered and affiliated chapter of the National Honor Society.

    Membership is open to those students who meet the required standards in four areas of evaluation: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Students are selected for membership by majority vote of a 5-member Faculty Council which bestows this honor upon qualified students on behalf of the faculty of our school each year. The chapter adviser, Kelli Gibson, facilitates all selection procedures and chapter activities during the year.

    Students are eligible for membership in the spring of their junior (11th grade) year. For the scholarship criterion, a student must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or better on a 4.0 scale. Those students who meet this criterion are invited to complete an application that provides the Faculty Council with information regarding the candidate’s leadership and service. A history of leadership experiences and participation in school or community service is also required.  Leadership experiences are not only elected or appointed positions within organizations, but can also be a reflection of a student’s participation and character within the classroom, at work, or within the community.  Community service must encompass more than monetary or itemized donations to organizations.  Commitment to organizations and giving of one’s time must also be reflected within the student’s community service.

    To evaluate a candidate’s character, the Faculty Council obtains additional professional input. First, official school disciplinary records are reviewed. Second, members of the faculty are requested to provide their professional reflections on a candidate’s service activities, character, citizenship, and leadership and applicants must also provide teacher/adult recommendations. These forms and the applications are carefully reviewed by the Faculty Council to determine whether each candidate meets the criteria for membership.  A majority vote of the Council is necessary for selection.  Following a review of the results of the Faculty Council voting by the principal, candidates are notified regarding selection or non-selection according to a predetermined schedule.

    Once the notification process is completed, a formal induction ceremony is held at the school to recognize the newly selected members.  Once inducted, new members are required to maintain the same level of performance (or better) in all criteria that led to their selection.  This obligation includes regular attendance at chapter meetings held monthly during the school year, and participation in the chapter service projects(s). A full list of member obligations is provided to all candidates and is available from the chapter adviser upon request.  Students or parents who have questions regarding the selection process or membership obligations can contact the chapter adviser, Kelli Gibson, in room 115 or by email at

  • Important Dates


    August 5 Administrative Day (teachers only)
    August 6 In-service Day (teachers only)
    August 7 In-service Day (teachers only)
    August 8 First Day for Students
    August 30 Vacation Day
    September 2 Vacation Day
    September 18 1ST Six Weeks Ends
    September 26 Report Card Distribution
    October 14-18 Fall Vacation
    November 4 2ND Six Weeks Ends
    November 5 In-service Day (teachers only)
    November 11 Vacation Day
    November 14 Report Cards Distributed
    November 27 Half Day of School
    November 28 Vacation Day
    November 29 Vacation Day
    December 20 3RD Six Weeks Ends
    December 23-January 3 Christmas Vacation



    January 6 Administrative Day (teachers only)
    January 7 In-service Day (teachers only)
    January 15 Report Card Distribution
    January 20 Vacation Day
    February 17 Vacation Day
    February 25 4th Six Weeks End
    March 5 Report Card Distribution
    March 31-April 4 Spring Vacation
    April 16 5th Six Weeks Ends  
    April 25 Report Card Distribution
    May 26 Vacation Day
    May 29 Administrative Day (teachers only)
    May 30 Report Card Pick-up / Last Day for Students (Half Day)

    *Dates are subject to Change


    As passed in the 2014 General Assembly, Public Chapter 892 requires the Tennessee Department of Education as well as school districts to post a calendar of all state and district mandated tests each school year beginning July 31, 2014. This information is available on the district’s website Individual student test results from state testing processes will be released to students and parents by the Sevier County School System promptly upon receipt of the information from the Tennessee Department of Education. Questions about assessment processes should be referred to your child’s teacher, principal, or Dr. John Robinette, District Testing Coordinator. Dr. Robinette can be reached at or at 865-453-4671.

  • Non-Discrimination Statements

    Inquiries or completed grievance forms should be referred to Mr. Tony Ogle; Mr. Tony Stinnett, Title VI Coordinator; or Dr. Whit Helton, Title IX Coordinator; at 226 Cedar Street Sevierville, Tennessee 37862.

    The Sevier County Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, creed, national origin, disability, age (40 and over), special education status, religion, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, military/veteran status, or genetic information in provision of educational opportunities, programs, activities, or employment opportunities/benefits. The Sevier County School System provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. 

    • Inquiries, questions, or complaints related to students or disabilities should be referred to your principal or to the Director of Student Services and ADA/Section 504/Title II Coordinator: Mr. Tony Ogle, (865) 453-4671, 226 Cedar Street, Sevierville, Tennessee 37862.
    • Inquiries, questions or complaints related to Title IX (sex/gender discrimination) matters should be referred to Dr. Whit Helton and issues related to Title VI (race, color, or national origin discrimination) matters should be referred to Mr. Tony Stinnett at 865-453-4671, 226 Cedar Street, Sevierville, Tennessee 37862.
    • Inquiries, questions or complaints related to employees should be referred to your principal or to the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services: Mr. Tony Ogle, (865) 453-4671, 226 Cedar Street, Sevierville, Tennessee 37862. If you have questions or concerns regarding any of the above, please call the main office at 865-453-4671.
    • The Sevier County Board of Education is committed to taking immediate action to eliminate harassment on the basis of disability, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects. The Sevier County Board of Education does not tolerate harassment on the basis of disability. Students and school personnel who believe that they have been subjected to harassment on the basis of disability are encouraged to report the harassment to the school district. Those students, parents, and school personnel who believe they have been subjected to harassment on the basis of disability are encouraged to contact their principal or the Director of Student Services and ADA/Section 504/Title II Coordinator, Mr. Tony Ogle, (865) 453-4671, 226 Cedar Street, Sevierville, Tennessee 37862. Those students or employees who have been found to engage in acts of harassment on the basis of disability will be promptly disciplined up to and including suspension and/or dismissal. Students, parents, and school personnel are encouraged to work together to prevent harassment on the basis of disability.
  • Bell Schedules

    Normal Days

    Homeroom                  7:40 – 8:00

    1st Period                     8:00 – 9:30

    2nd Period                    9:37 – 11:07

    3rd Period                    11:14 – 1:14

                                        A Lunch                       11:07 – 11:33

                                        B Lunch                       11:57 – 12:24

                                        C Lunch                       12:47 – 1:14

    4th Period                    1:20 – 2:50

    1 Hour Late

    1st Period                     9:00 – 10:15

    2nd Period                    10:22 – 11:37

    3rd Period                    11:44 – 1:28

                                        A Lunch                       11:37 – 12:05

                                        B Lunch                       12:17 – 12:45

                                        C Lunch                       1:00 – 1:28

    4th Period                    1:35 – 2:50

    2 Hours Late

    1st Period                     10:00 – 10:55

    2nd Period                    11:02 – 11:57

    3rd Period                    12:04 – 1:49

                                        A Lunch                       11:57 – 12:25

                                        B Lunch                       12:40 – 1:08

                                        C Lunch                       1:14 – 1:42

    4th Period                    1:49 – 2:50

    Out at 2 PM

    1st Period                     8:00 – 9:10

    2nd Period                    9:17 – 10:27

    3rd Period                    10:34 – 12:28

                                        A Lunch                       10:27 – 10:55

                                        B Lunch                       11:17 – 11:45

                                        C Lunch                       12:00 – 12:28

    4th Period                    12:35 – 2:00


    Refer to Board Policy 649 and Board Policy 603 for information about student enrollment. With few exceptions, students residing outside of Sevier County are not eligible to attend Sevier County Schools. A “non-resident student” is a student whose legal residence is located outside of Sevier County. “Legal residence” is defined as the primary residence of the student’s custodial parent(s) or guardian(s). Board Policy 603 (Student Assignment and Transfers within the System) also addresses several enrollment issues. The Sevier County Board of Education has established no attendance zones for schools in our system; however, bus transportation will be provided to the local school only. Parents who reside in Sevier County may transport their children to any school they choose.  After the first five days of school, parents of elementary students may not transfer their children from one school to another unless the parents move into a new community. For secondary students there will be no more than three days of open enrollment per term. An exception may be made to this statement if both gaining and losing principals believe that the transfer is in the best interest of the student(s) and the schools. If either or both principals disagree, the parents may appeal to the Superintendent’s hearing officer.

    Student Fees and Fines

    Based on Sevier County Board of Education Policy 638 (Waiver of Student Fees), students who receive free or reduced cost lunches are eligible for waivers of school-related fees.  School fees are defined as fees for activities that occur during the regular hours, fees for activities and supplies required to participate in all courses required for credit or grade, fees for a copy of the student's record, refundable security deposits, and fees or tuition applicable to courses taken by resident students for credit or grade in the summer.  School fees do not include fines imposed for lost textbooks, late returned library books, parking, abuse of school property, debts incurred, costs for extracurricular activities occurring outside the regular school day, etc.  Documentation of parent consent for the waiving of confidentiality on applications for free and reduced meals will be required.

    Child Nutrition Program

    In the operation of the child nutrition program, no student will be discriminated against because of race, sex, color, national origin, age, or disability. A student enrolled in the Sevier County School System may be eligible for free or reduced-price meals and/or free milk if income eligibility criteria are met.  These criteria are posted annually on the Sevier County Schools website or can be found on the Free and Reduced Meal Application distributed by the school.

    Transportation Services

    As stated in Sevier County Board of Education Policy 610 (Bus Conduct), the school bus is an extension of school activity. Students must conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with the established standards for safety and classroom behavior.

    Students are under the supervision and control of the bus driver while on his/her bus and all reasonable directions given by the driver will be followed. The principal of the student transported will be informed by the bus driver of any serious discipline problem and may be called upon to assist if necessary. A student may be denied the privilege of riding the bus if the principal determines that his/her behavior is such as to cause disruption on the bus, or if the student disobeys state or local rules and regulations pertaining to student transportation. The suspension of a student from riding the school bus will follow the same general procedures as any other school suspension.

    Any student wishing to ride a bus other than his/her designated bus or to get off at a nonstandard location must present written parental permission. Students will only be given a yellow bus permission slip after office staff has verified the bus change with parents or guardians.


    Cafeteria and Lunches

    Lunch period is treated as part of the 3rd period and as a regular class. Students must report to the cafeteria during their scheduled lunch period. Students are expected to be courteous to the lunchroom staff and are expected to leave the area in a clean condition. Students are responsible for the disposal of their own trash, trays, etc. Students are not allowed to take food outside the cafeteria. Students may open pre-paid accounts or pay for daily lunches.

    Prices: Breakfast - $2.00 and Lunch $3.00.



    Board Policy 627 clearly states that the Sevier County Board of Education acknowledges the fact that students occasionally must take prescription medicine during school time as prescribed by a licensed physician or dentist or non-prescription medicine as requested by a parent/guardian. When medicines must be taken during school hours, the student must be competent to self-administer the medication with assistance and must adhere to the procedures communicated by school officials. All over the counter and prescribed medicine must be checked in and dispensed through the clinic. Parents or guardians must supply written instructions for administering the medications. Prescription drugs must be in the original container. Violation of the medicine policy may result in disciplinary action.


    Per state law, the Sevier County School System is required to provide information to parent(s)/guardian(s) as to the following diseases.

    Meningococcal meningitis is inflammation of the tissues and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It can be caused by bacteria or viruses. Symptoms can include fever, sudden severe headache, stiff neck, rash, nausea, and vomiting. The bacteria that causes meningococcal meningitis is very common. Most people will carry this bacteria in the back of their nose and throat at some point in their lives without ever getting sick. In a few people, the bacteria overcomes the body’s immune system and passes through the lining of the nose and throat into the blood stream where it can cause meningitis.

    Meningitis is spread through exchange of respiratory droplets or saliva with an infected person. Only a small percentage of people who are exposed to the bacteria will develop meningitis. The bacteria that causes meningitis is not spread by casual contact or by simply breathing the air where a person with meningitis has been. There is a vaccine that will decrease the risk of some types of meningococcal meningitis, but it does not totally eliminate risk of the disease.

    Influenza is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses that infect the nose, throat, and lungs. Symptoms can include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, feeling tired, and sometimes vomiting and diarrhea. Flu viruses are spread mainly by droplets made when someone with the flu coughs, sneezes, or talks. A person can also get the flu by touching something that has the flu virus on it and then touching his/her mouth, eyes, or nose. There is a vaccine that can be received in the form of a flu shot or by nasal spray that can protect against the flu.

    To receive additional information regarding these diseases, including locations to receive the vaccinations, contact Mr. Steve Branton, School Health Coordinator.


    No students entering school, including those entering kindergarten or first grade, those from out-of-state, and those from nonpublic schools, will be permitted to enroll without proof of immunization, provided that no student shall be denied admission to school if (1) the student has not been immunized due to medical reasons if the student has a written statement from the student’s doctor excluding the student from the immunization, or (2) in the absence of an epidemic or immediate threat of an epidemic, the student’s parent or guardian files with school authorities a signed, written statement that the immunization and other preventative measures conflict with the parent’s or guardian’s religious tenets and practices, affirmed under the penalties of perjury. Immunization requirements can be found at the Sevier County Schools website.

    Parent/Teacher Conferences

    Concluding each of the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th grading periods, parent/teacher conferences are held from 3:30 P.M. to 6:30 P.M. Parents are encouraged to attend all conferences. The dates of the parent teacher conferences (9/7-23, 10/19/23, 2/08/24, 3/23/26) are printed on the school website, the Sevier County Schools website and in the important dates section of this handbook.

    English Learners

    If the inability to speak and understand the English language excludes a student from effective participation in the educational programs offered by the Sevier County School System (SCSS), the SCSS shall take reasonable actions to provide the student equal access to its programs. Students who are English learners (EL) shall be identified, assessed, and provided appropriate services. No student shall be admitted to or excluded from any program or extracurricular activity based on the student's surname or EL status. 

    Students in Foster Care

    Board Policy 653 (Procedures for Students in Foster Care) clarifies that the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) contains key protections for students in foster care that are designed to promote school stability, student success, and collaboration between local education agencies (LEAs) and child welfare agencies.The Sevier County School System shall provide all students in foster care, to include those awaiting foster care placement, with a free and appropriate public education. Students in foster care, to include those awaiting foster care placement, shall be immediately enrolled, even if the student is unable to produce records normally required for enrollment (i.e. academic records, immunization records, health records, proof of residency). Placement shall be determined based on the student’s best interest. At all times, a strong presumption that keeping the student in the school of origin is in the student’s best interest shall be maintained.

    Students From Military Families

    A student who does not currently reside within the District shall be allowed to enroll if he/she is a dependent child of a service member who is being relocated to Tennessee on military orders. To be eligible for enrollment, the student will need to provide documentation that he/she will be a resident of the District on relocation. Within 60 days of enrollment, the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student shall provide proof of residency within the District.


    Grade Reporting

    Each school year is divided into two terms, each with three six weeks grading periods. At the end of each six-weeks period, students are given grade reports. They are expected to take these grade reports home to parents. Grade reports will be held back if a student owes for lost or damaged books, lunch charges, library fines, etc. Grading shall be uniform within the high schools as follows:



    Percentage Range

    Weighting for Honors Courses and National Industry Certification

    Weighting for Advanced Placement

    A (4.0)



    May include the addition of 3 points to the grades used to calculate the semester average.

    May include the addition of 5 points to the grades used to calculate the semester average.

    B (3.0)



    C (2.0)



    D (1.0)



    F (0.0)




    Grade Classification

    Students must pass all required courses to maintain appropriate pacing towards graduation. Appropriate grade level status is based on earning the following number of credits: Sophomore (7 credits), Junior (14 credits), and Senior (20 credits). Credit recovery courses, intervention courses, tutoring, and summer school courses are available for students as needed. For more information on these options, please contact your guidance counselor.

    Graduation Requirements

    Students graduating from high schools in the Sevier County School System must complete all units required by state law and State Board of Education Regulations. In addition, all students must choose a course of study defined by the Sevier County Board of Education. Students must earn a minimum of 28 credits while enrolled in a normal course load. Sevier County secondary schools use a four period block schedule each semester. Under normal circumstances, a student will take eight (8) classes each school year.

    Units required for graduation

    English (1 per year)                4

    Math (1 per year)                    4

    Science                                   3

    Foreign Language                   2

    Fine Arts                                  1

    Lifetime Wellness                    1

    Physical Education                  1*

    Social Studies                          3

    Economics/P Finance              1

    Program of Focus                    3

    *An additional one-half credit in P.E. is required and may be met by completing this Physical Education course or by substituting documented equivalent time of physical activity in an approved school sponsored activity.


    Requirements for Top Ten Percent

    4 credits English (3 credits must be honors on the , sophomore level and above)

    4 credits Math (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, and additional Math (SAILS and Bridge Math do not count).

    4 credits Science (one must be Chemistry)

    Requirements for Graduating with Distinction


    Students will be recognized as graduating with “distinction” by attaining a B average and completing at least one of the following:

    • Earn a nationally recognized industry certification
    • Participate in at least one of the Governor’s Schools
    • Participate in one of the state’s All State musical organizations
    • Be selected as a National Merit Finalist or Semifinalist
    • Attain a score of 31 or higher composite score on the ACT
    • Attain a score of at least 3 or higher on at least two AP exams
    • Earn 12 or more semester hours of transcripted college credits

    Requirements for Graduating with Honors

    Students who score at or above all the subject area benchmarks on the ACT or equivalent score on the SAT will graduate with honors.  Last ACT to count before graduation is April of senior year. The benchmark scores can come from different test administrations not just from one administration.

    ACT Benchmarks

    English                   18

    Mathematics          22

    Reading                 22

    Science                  23

  • Library/Media Center

    Library/Media Center is an up-to-date facility with books, magazines, and journals available to students and faculty. Research computers are also located in the Media Center with which students have an opportunity to access the internet for research purposes. Also, computer reference software such as the atlas, dictionary, and the encyclopedia are available to students.


    Textbooks, Chromebook, and Chrome Charger

    Each student is responsible for the textbooks, Chromebooks, and Chrome Chargers they are issued. Accurate records will be kept of these items and their conditions. All lost or damaged items must be paid for before the semester ends.



    There are a number of sports in which you may participate in at SHS. They include the following:

    Basketball (B/G)                                 Bowling (B/G)                                    Boys Baseball

    Cheerleading                                      Cross Country (B/G)                          Football

    Girls Softball                                       Girls Volleyball                                   Golf(B/G)

    Lacrosse                                             Soccer (B/G)                                      Tennis(B/G)  Track(B/G)                                          Wrestling(B/G)


    Eligibility to Play Sports

    According to TSSAA rules, a student is eligible to participate in an approved sport if he or she has successfully earned six credits the previous year. Student athletes must also adhere to the drug testing policy defined by Sevier County School Board Policy #BP 649. Athletes will be subject to random drug testing.


    Sport Physicals

    Students wishing to participate in high school athletics must have a sports physical completed prior to tryouts. Physical forms may be picked up in the main office or found online at Sevier County Schools.


    Student Insurance

    All students enrolled in a shop class or those participating in athletics must be covered by school insurance. It is also recommended that students participating in wellness or physical education participate in this program. A group accident policy is available to all members of the student body at a nominal cost. More information and an enrollment form is available online at the website under Parent Place.


    Counseling and Scheduling

    The SHS counselors provide a variety of services and resources. Counselors have one major goal, which is to help students derive the most possible benefit from their years at SHS.

  • Student Code of Conduct

    As stated in Board Policy 608 (Student Conduct), the staff is authorized to take reasonable measures to establish appropriate school behavior. Any professional employee will have the authority to control the conduct of any student while under the supervision of the school system. This authority will extend to all activities of the school, including all games and public performances of athletic teams and other school groups, trips, excursions, and all other activities under school sponsorship and direction. For more information, refer to Board Policy 608 which can be found at  Sevier County Schools.

    Drug Free Schools

    Students shall not consume, possess, use, sell, distribute, or be under the influence of illegal drugs or alcoholic beverages in school buildings, on school grounds, in school vehicles or buses, or at any school-sponsored activity, function, or event, whether on or off school grounds. Disciplinary sanctions shall be imposed on students who violate this standard of conduct. Such sanctions shall be consistent with local, state, and federal laws up to and including suspension/expulsion as well as referral for prosecution. Completion of an appropriate rehabilitation program may also be recommended. Information about drug and alcohol counseling and rehabilitation programs shall be made available through the school office.

    Student Discipline Procedures

    Students are expected to conduct themselves in a mature and responsible fashion while at school. Minor disciplinary infractions, such as disruptions, tardies, horseplay, and the like, will be handled by the classroom teacher. Major discipline infractions, such as insubordination, fighting, skipping class, and the like, will result in an office referral. Also, persistent minor infractions may result in an office referral.

    Interrogation and Searches

    Board Policy 607 (Interrogation and Searches) outlines procedures for the questioning and searching of students. Students may be questioned by teachers or principals about any matter pertaining to the operation of a school and/or the enforcement of its rules. Questioning should be conducted discreetly and under circumstances which will avoid unnecessary embarrassment to the student being questioned. Any student answering falsely, evasively or refusing to answer a proper question may be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension.

    Any principal (or his/her designee) having reasonable cause for a search may search any student, place, or thing (including student lockers or cars) on school property or in the actual or constructive possession of any student during any organized school activity off campus, including buses, if the principal receives information which would cause a reasonable suspicion that the search would lead to the discovery of:                                                                                                        

    • Evidence of any violation of school rules or regulations or proper standards of student conduct;

    • Any object or substance which, because of its presence, presents an immediate danger of harm or illness to any person.      
    • Evidence of any violation of the law.
    •  For more information, refer to Board Policy 607 at Sevier County Schools.

    Care of School Property 

    The construction, purchase, and maintenance of school buildings, facilities, equipment, furniture, transportation vehicles,                etc. cost the Sevier County taxpayers. Take pride in all that the Sevier County System provides. Students who destroy,                    deface, or vandalize school property will be required to pay for loss or damage and receive disciplinary action. Accidental                damage should be reported so that the item can be fixed or replaced.

    Personal Property  


    Students are responsible for their personal property. Large sums of money, electronic devices, expensive jewelry, etc.                    should not be brought to school. SHS does not accept responsibility for any valuables left in the open, either inside or                      outside the building, or for valuables placed in the auditorium or school lockers.         



    For security reasons, students are encouraged to provide their own combination locks. Combinations or extra keys must be provided to an assistant principal. Lockers are the property of SHS and may be inspected at any time by the principal or an assistant principal. Seymour High School will not accept responsibility for items lost or stolen.


    The school system defines "hazing" to mean any intentional or reckless act, on or off Sevier County Board of Education property, by one (1) student acting alone or with others, that is directed against any other student, that endangers the mental or physical health or safety of that student or that induces or coerces a student to endanger that student's mental or physical health or safety. This policy focuses on those actions taken and situations created in connection with initiation into or affiliation with any school-sponsored or school-affiliated group/team. "Hazing" does not include customary athletic events or similar contests or competitions. The Sevier County Board of Education expressly prohibits “hazing” as it is defined above. The school system shall distribute or make available this policy to each student at the beginning of each school year. During the first month of each new school year, time shall also be set aside to specifically discuss the policy and its ramifications as a criminal offense and the penalties that may be imposed by the school system. Any students found to have violated this policy will face disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, suspension or expulsion. Any employees found to have violated this policy will also face disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, reprimand, suspension or dismissal.

    Suicide Prevention

    Sevier County Schools is committed to protecting the health and well-being of all students and understands that physical, behavioral, and emotional health are integral components of student achievement. Students are strongly encouraged to report if they, or a friend, are feeling suicidal or in need of help. Students will be provided and information will be posted regarding The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) and other available resources.



    The Sevier County School System has determined that a safe, civil, and supportive environment in school is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. In order to maintain that environment, acts of bullying, cyber-bullying, discrimination, harassment, hazing, or any other victimization of students, based on any actual or perceived traits or characteristics, are prohibited.

    Board Policy 648 clearly states that Sevier County students will be provided a learning environment free from sexual, racial, ethnic, gender, national origin or religious based discrimination, intimidation, harassment, bullying or cyberbullying. It will be a violation of this policy for any employee, volunteer, parent or student to discriminate, harass, bully or cyberbully a student for any reason (complaints of disability discrimination, harassment, bullying, cyberbullying and/or retaliation remain governed by Board Policy 016). All school system employees and volunteers are required to report alleged violations of this policy to a building level administrator or the Director of Student Services.

    Any parent or student may complain of harassment, intimidation, bullying or cyberbullying to a teacher, counselor, administrator, or directly to the Director of Student Services. A student’s parent(s) or legal guardian will be informed immediately if their student is involved in an act of intimidation, harassment, bullying or cyberbullying. The student’s parent or legal guardian will be informed of the availability of counseling and support services necessary for the student. Any complaint or report will be fully investigated by either a building level administrator or someone designated by the Director of Student Services within forty-eight (48) hours of receiving any complaint or report.  Please refer to Board Policy 648 which can be found at Sevier County Schools for more detailed information.

    Disciplinary Hearing Authority

    A Disciplinary Hearing Authority (DHA) shall conduct appeals for students who have been suspended for more than ten (10) school days. Upon receiving notification of the request to appeal the suspension decision, the DHA shall provide written notification to the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the student, the student, and any other appropriate person of the time, place, and date of the hearing. The hearing must be held no later than ten (10) days after the beginning of the suspension. Within five (5) days of the DHA rendering a decision, the student, principal, principal-teacher, or assistant principal may request a review by the Board, and the Board shall review the record. 


    State law requires students to maintain good attendance and passing grades in at least half of their classes to get the certificate required for their learner’s permit and driver’s license. (T.C.A. 55-50-321). This form can be found in the main office. Students should fill out this form in order to have their grades and attendance checked to receive their certificates. Please allow 2 – 3 days for forms to be processed. Driving a vehicle to school is a privilege. Personal vehicles must be registered and have a school parking tag, which can be purchased in the main office. Parking will be allowed only in designated areas. The local laws of the road will be strictly enforced and vehicles parked on the school grounds without purchased tags or parked out of the designated area are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense. The administration reserves the right to revoke driving/parking privileges at any time. Loss of driving privileges may be used as disciplinary punishment for any school violation and may range from one week to the end of the school year.

    The school is not responsible for any theft or damage to student vehicles. Accidents should be reported immediately to office personnel. Parents will be notified at work or home. In case of extreme emergency, the student will be taken to the nearest medical facility.


    Board Policy 628 (Standardized Dress and Grooming Code for Grades Pre-K through 12) provides recognition of the effect which student dress and grooming have upon student behavior and commitment to learning. Attire considered disruptive to health or safety is not appropriate. Rules concerning dress and grooming are mandatory in grades Pre-K – 12 and are available for review in Board Policy 628 on the Sevier County Schools website.

    Bottom Wear (Waist and Below – pants, skirts, shorts, skorts)

    Bottom wear must be size appropriate for the wearer, with no sagging or bagging, and must be worn securely at and around the waist so as not to reveal undergarments and to prevent pant legs from touching the floor. Large bell-bottoms that expose less than one-fourth of the foot, large pockets (pockets that are excessively large or expand to be excessively large) are not permitted. Leggings and other similar bottom wear may be worn with a top which covers the student’s buttocks and torso base.

    Bottom wear must exceed the length of the wearer’s fingertips when arms/hands are fully extended. Tears/rips/frays are allowed in bottom wear when they are located on the garment beyond the wearer’s fingertips when arms/hands are fully extended; otherwise, exposed skin areas must be covered. No undergarments can be exposed.


    Top Wear (Waist and Above)

    Shirts must be size appropriate for the wearer. Sleeveless topwear is permitted as long as the shoulder area is covered with a non-see-through material; straps of less than the child’s hand width and tank tops do not meet these requirements. Bare midriffs shall not be allowed. Size appropriate fleece pullovers; light jackets; long sleeve crewneck, v-neck, or cardigan sweater vests; or sweatshirts may be worn over an approved shirt.


    Girls may wear dresses appropriately sized for the wearer and the length must exceed the length of the wearer’s fingertips when arms are fully extended; otherwise, exposed skin areas must be covered. No undergarments can be exposed. Dresses may either have sleeves or be a sleeveless dress as long as no undergarments are visible. Dresses will not have string or spaghetti straps, but will have straps that come to the edge of the shoulder. Straps of less than the child’s hand width will not meet these requirements.


    Shoes must be worn at all times.


    Coats, heavy jackets, or raincoats shall not be worn inside the building unless otherwise directed by the school principal or his/her designee in an unusual situation. Blankets are NOT an acceptable form of a clothing item.


    All Apparel

    Articles of clothing shall not be worn which imply or promote alcohol, sex, drugs, tobacco, violence, gangs, racial slurs, or offensive language.


    No headgear or sunglasses will be worn in the building (except those worn for obvious medical reasons or religions purposes).


    Any accessory that presents a potential danger to self or others is prohibited.

    Other tattoos, whether permanent or temporary, will be covered if possible. Visible body piercing jewelry (except for the ears) is prohibited. Hair is not to be sprayed or dyed in unnatural colors (such as blue, pink, green, orange, yellow, etc.).



    Bookbags must be constructed from materials that allow the contents of the bookbag to be visible. Any band instrument or necessary sports bags must be dropped off at an area designated by the building level principal. Any student not attired in accordance with the foregoing policy shall be subject to disciplinary consequences as per board policy. In addition to the foregoing, when a student is attired in a manner that is likely to cause disruption or interference with the operation of the school, the principal shall take appropriate action.

    Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

    Students in the Sevier County School System are prohibited from having cell phones turned on or visible during the school day. Cell phones that are used during the school day disrupt or interfere with the stated purpose of the school. School faculty members are to confiscate the cell phone of any student violating this policy and turn the phone into the office. The phone will be kept in the office until the end of the day when a parent or guardian may pick up the phone. Students who violate the cell phone policy are subject to disciplinary consequences. The Sevier County School System will not accept responsibility for student cell phones that are lost or stolen.

  • General Purpose

    The Sevier County Board of Education (“Board”) remains committed to providing staff members and students with access to both a system-wide network and the Internet. However, use of the Board’s network is a privilege, not a right. Therefore, any and all network users are responsible for knowing, understanding, and abiding by this Network and Internet Policy.


    Authorized Users

    Only current staff members employed by and students enrolled in the Sevier County School System may access and utilize the Board’s network and Internet service. However, students may only access the network and Internet service while under the direct supervision of a staff member(s).


    Internet Access

    The Board’s Internet service should only be used for educational purposes or other school-related activities. As such, prohibited activities include but are not limited to the following:

    • Uploading and/or downloading files without permission from an administrator;
    • Accessing pornographic and/or offensive material;
    • Utilizing the Internet for personal or commercial financial gain or fraud;
    • Participating in any form of harassment; and
    • Introducing or attempting to introduce viruses to the network.

    The Board retains full ownership and control of its computers. As such, using those computers to access the Internet should be accomplished with the full knowledge that said access is not private. In fact, Internet access to school computers remains subject to monitoring and review.


    Internet Filtering

    Access to the Internet via the Sevier County School System’s network shall be filtered to block access to visual depictions that are obscene, pornographic, inappropriate for students, or harmful to minors, as defined by the Federal Children’s Internet Protection Act.


    Internet Safety Instruction

    Students will be given appropriate instruction in Internet safety annually as part of curriculum and instruction either through guidance counselors, school resource officers, and/or other designated staff. This instruction will include education of students about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking sites and in chat rooms and cyber bullying awareness and response. School system personnel will be given appropriate professional development opportunities during the school year. Parents, students, caregivers, and community stakeholders will be provided with material to raise awareness of the dangers posted on the Internet and the ways in which the Internet may be used safely.


    Network Use

    The Board’s network should be used only for educational purposes or other school-related activities. As such, prohibited activities include but are not limited to the following:

    1. Accessing staff members/students’ private information for personal use;
    2. Utilizing the network for personal or commercial financial gain or fraud;
    3. Destroying network data without permission; and
    4. Introducing or attempting to introduce viruses to the network


    The Board retains full ownership and control of its network. As such, using the network should be accomplished with the full knowledge that said usage is not private. In fact, network usage remains subject to monitoring and review.


    E-mail Management

    Electronic mail (“e-mail”) addresses shall be provided to the Board’s current staff members. Email addresses may also be issued to designated students. However, staff members and students should only use their school email addresses for educational purposes. Please understand that emails are records. Therefore, school email addresses should be used professionally and with the full knowledge that said emails are not private communications. In fact, messages sent and received from school email addresses remain subject to monitoring and review.


    Available Penalties

    Any violation of this Policy may result in the termination of network, Internet, and/or e-mail privileges. Penalties may also include but are not limited to:

    (A) School disciplinary action;

    (B) Restitution by a parent, guardian, or staff member; and

    (C) Appropriate legal action.

    System Warranties

    The Board makes no warranties of any kind regarding network, Internet and email services. As such, the Board is not responsible for any damages, including but not limited to, the loss of data. Further, the Board is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of any information obtained by students via the Internet.


    Google Apps for Education Users

    Classrooms will be using Google Apps for Education (GAFE). In GAFE-based classrooms, a student may be issued an account which allows access to email and cloud storage under the district’s closed domain. If your child is enrolled in a GAFE classroom, the teacher will communicate about this process in greater detail. All users of the Sevier County School System’s network, Google accounts, and equipment must comply at all times with the district’s Acceptable Use Policy (Board Policy 519) and all school, district, local, state, and federal laws. All accounts are the property of the Sevier County School System. The Sevier County School System reserves the right to suspend or revoke student account access at any time. All files stored on Sevier County School System equipment, the network, or cloud services are property of the district and may be subject to review and monitoring. Students and families must follow all guidelines set forth in this document and by the Sevier County School System staff. All rules and guidelines outlined in this document are in effect before, during, and after school hours for all Sevier County School System accounts. Students who identify or know about a security problem are expected to convey the details to a staff member without discussing it with other students. Students are expected to notify a staff member immediately if they come across information, images, or messages that are inappropriate, dangerous, threatening, or make them feel uncomfortable. Students should have no expectation of privacy while using, accessing, or storing content in an assigned domain.

    The district will provide a digital citizenship curriculum to educate students in using technology tools appropriately; however, parents/guardians are still responsible for supervising and monitoring student use online outside of the school.


    Withholding of Student Grades for Debts Owed

    Local education agencies are authorized to withhold all grade cards, diplomas, certificates of progress or transcripts of a student who has taken property which belongs to a local education agency, or has incurred a debt to a school, until such student makes restitution in full.


    In-School Detention (ISD)

    Students may be assigned ISD by the school administration for a discipline infraction. Students report to the ISD room by 8:00 A.M. with their books and materials. All student cell phones will be collected and stored in a lock box the duration of each disciplinary infraction. Students will spend the hours or day(s) in the ISD room completing work assigned to them by their regular classroom teachers. While in ISD, students take breaks and eat lunch separate from the rest of the student body. Misbehavior in the ISD rom will result in added days, possible ALC or out of school suspension.


    Alternative Placement (ALC)

    Rather than suspending students out of school, the administration may use alternative placement at the Hardin Alternative Learning Center for serious school infractions or for persistent misbehavior. Students assigned to ALC will leave SHS at 7:40 A.M. and ride a bus to Hardin. Students will spend their allotted days working on assignments from their regular classroom teacher. Attendance at the ALC is mandatory, and all work must be completed before returning to SHS.



    In order to ensure a safe and secure learning environment, the following offenses will not be tolerated:

    • Students will not possess, handle, transmit, use or attempt to use any dangerous weapon in school buildings or on school grounds at any time, or in school vehicles and/or buses or off the school grounds at a school-sponsored activity, function, or event.  Dangerous weapons shall include, but are not limited to any firearm, explosive device, explosive weapon, bowie knife, hawk bill knife, ice pick, dagger, slingshot, switch-blade knife, blackjack, or brass (metal) knuckles.  Violators will be subject to suspension and/or expulsion from school for periods up to one calendar year.
    • In accordance with law (18 USC 921), any student who brings or possesses a firearm on school property shall be expelled for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year.  The Superintendent of Schools has the authority to modify this expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis (TCA 49-6-3401).
    • In accordance with state law, any student who unlawfully possesses any drug including any controlled substance or legend drug will be expelled for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year.  The Superintendent of Schools has the authority to modify this expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis (TCA 49-6-3401).
    • In accordance with state law, any student who commits battery upon any teacher, principal, administrator, any other employee of the school system or school resource officer will be expelled for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year.  The Superintendent of Schools has the authority to modify this expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis (TCA 49-6-3401)
    • In accordance with state law, any student who threatens mass violence on school property or at a school related activity pursuant to § 39-16-517 will be expelled for a period of not less than one (1) calendar year. The director of school has the authority to modify this expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis (TCA 49-6-3401)
    • When it is determined that a student has violated this policy, the principal of the school will notify the student’s parent or guardian and the criminal justice or juvenile delinquency system as required by law.

    The Superintendent of Schools, pursuant to Tennessee law, has the final authority to modify the punishment for these offenses on a case-by-case basis.

  • Visitor Check-In

    The school system is committed to a safe campus without interruption of the instructional process.  Visitors will be asked to display a driver’s license or government issued photo identification before entering the building, to report to the school office upon entering the school, and to sign a guest log.  Authorization to visit elsewhere in the building or on the school campus will be determined by the principal or his/her designee.  Through the KeepnTrack Program, guest passes will be issued for all persons other than students and employees of the school.


    The Sevier County Board of Education welcomes and encourages community and family members to act as school volunteers and field trip chaperones. With that encouragement, however, comes the need to maintain a safe environment for Sevier County students. Therefore, all school volunteers and field trip chaperones must:

    • Be willing to treat all Sevier County students and staff members with dignity and respect;
    • Be willing to provide proof they are 21 years of age or older;
    • Be willing to sign in and out at the front office when entering/exiting a school building;
    • Be willing, whenever possible, to remain in the presence of a staff when students are present;
    • Be willing to truthfully complete and return a Volunteer/Chaperone Release;
    • Be willing to acknowledge the authority of staff members at school or on field trips;
    • Be willing to take direction from and perform tasks assigned by school staff members;
    • Be willing to refrain from disciplining, striking or inappropriately interacting with students;
    • Be willing to refrain from using tobacco, alcohol and illegal drugs while a volunteer/chaperone;
    • Be willing to dress appropriately and use no vulgar language while a volunteer/chaperone.

    The Sevier County Board of Education and its staff members retain full and absolute authority to determine whether volunteers and chaperones have complied with the above directives. Serving as a school volunteer or field trip chaperone remains a privilege and not a right; therefore, the Sevier County Board of Education, the Superintendent of Schools, or a building level supervisor may unilaterally determine to strip all volunteer/chaperone privileges without recourse or appeal, including, but not limited to, a determination based on failing to comply with the above-directives. The Sevier County Board of Education, the Superintendent of Schools, or a building level supervisor may also unilaterally determine to reject a school volunteer/chaperone for any reason allowed by law.

    Parent/Guardian Visitation

    Parents/Guardians are encouraged to visit the school and meet with their child’s teacher(s). Parental involvement helps our students and the school. To meet with a teacher, please call the office and schedule a conference. Conferences will be scheduled during planning periods or before/after school.


    SCHOOL SAFETY Safety and Security Act School Discipline Act, TCA 49-6-2008

    Parents, please be aware of the following laws that relate to visitors on our campus:

    • Personal searches may be conducted if the principal has reasonable suspicion that a student or visitor has in his/her possession drugs, drug paraphernalia, or dangerous weapons.
    • Vehicles parked on school property by students or visitors are subject to search for drugs, drug paraphernalia, or dangerous weapons.
    • A student may be subject to physical search because of the results of a locker search, or because of information received from a teacher, staff member, student or other person, if such action is reasonable to the principal.
    • FELONY – State law prescribes a maximum penalty of six (6) years imprisonment and a fine not to exceed three thousand ($3,000.00) for carrying weapons onto school property.
    • No person shall enter onto the grounds or into the buildings of any school during the hours of student instruction, except students assigned to the school, the staff of the school, parents of the students, and other persons with lawful and valid business on the school premises.
  • Fire Safety Drills

    The signal for a fire drill is a buzzing alarm sound. Students and teachers should move toward the designated exit (exit instructions are posted on all exits from the classroom). Do not run, but walk swiftly and quietly to a distance of at least 100 feet from the building.


    Inclement Weather Drills

    The signal for a tornado drill will be a school wide all-call. Students and teachers will move toward the designated interior hallways. Walk swiftly and quietly while listening to the teacher and all-call details as they are provided. Students are to sit against the walls with their hands and arms covering their heads.


    Lockdown and Evacuation Drills

    The signal for a lockdown or an evacuation drill will be a school wide all-call. Students and teachers will move toward the designated area as instructed. Walk swiftly and quietly listening to the teacher and all-call details as they are provided.


    Canine Unit Training

    As part of the school system’s ongoing efforts to work collaboratively with local and regional law enforcement agencies, the Sevier County Sheriff’s Department, and our local police departments will be conducting a series of trainings in our local schools. Officers working with canine units will be training on our campuses and in our buildings. These units will periodically patrol our school hallways and our parking lots. These trainings are designed to increase the efficiency of these units and to help ensure the safety of our students and communities.


    Chapter 410 of the Public Acts of 2007

    Smoking is not permitted in any form at any time inside any school building. State law prohibits the use of tobacco in any form after regular school hours in any public seating areas, including, but not limited to, bleachers for sporting events, concession stands, or public restrooms. Smoking may be permitted in designated areas at outdoor athletic events, but such smoking must be restricted to a place far enough away from the seating areas, restrooms and concession stands so that the smoke will not drift back into these areas.



    The Sevier County Board of Education authorizes the use of external video surveillance equipment on SCBE property as part of a multifaceted approach to protecting the safety and security of students, staff and property. Video surveillance shall be used only to promote the order, safety and security of students, staff and property. The SCBE shall comply with all applicable state and federal laws related to video recordings when such recordings are considered and relied upon as part of the student’s behavioral record as determined by school administrators.

    Video cameras will be utilized on property of the SCBE as approved by the Superintendent. The SCBE shall notify students, staff, and the public that video surveillance may occur on school property. Such notifications will occur through incorporation in the school parent/student handbook and through the SCBE’s website. No concealed cameras will be installed. Equipment will not monitor areas where the public and employees have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as locker rooms and adult and student restrooms. Video recording equipment may be in operation 24 hours per day, but this is not guaranteed.

    The use of video surveillance equipment on school grounds shall be supervised and controlled by the building principal or his/her designee.  Audio shall not be a part of the video recordings made, reviewed, or stored by staff of the SCBE.

    Further, in-school audio or video recordings (including surveillance or live feeds) initiated by an individual student, parent, staff or community member are strictly prohibited. The SCBE takes the protection of its students and their confidentiality seriously, thus it takes steps to ensure students are not recorded or in any way monitored by third-parties while under the supervision of Sevier County Schools.

    Staff and students are prohibited from unauthorized use, tampering with or otherwise interfering with video recordings and/or video camera equipment and will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action. Disciplinary action shall be consistent with standards of the SCBE and may include, but is not limited to written reprimand, suspension, demotion or expulsion depending upon the nature and severity of the situation

    Photographs and Video Images of Students

    Throughout the school year, there may be school sponsored programs and events where photographs or videos may be taken by the media or school district staff. These photographs and/or videos may then be cablecast on the district’s educational access channel or website, thereby making it available to anyone with local cable or internet access. It is the policy of the Sevier County School System that neither students nor their works be identified by name when featured on the district’s educational access channel or the district’s website without prior consent. Your consent to these types of group photographs or videos is assumed, unless you notify your child’s school in writing that you do NOT want your child included in such photographs or videos.


    The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

    In 1974, the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment) Public Law 93-380, 438 was passed to ensure confidentiality of school records. FERPA requires that the Sevier County School System with certain exceptions, obtain the written consent of parents prior to disclosure of personally identifiable information from a child’s educational records.

    Parents should be encouraged to carefully review the FERPA notice which is distributed for parent signature at each school annually. The notice specifically deals with the access of military recruiters. In 2015, the Sevier County Board of Education modified its Student Records Policy (BP122). Parents are encouraged to review the modified policy online at Sevier County Schools.


    COPPA-Required Notification

    The Sevier County School System is committed to the safety of our learners, especially when it comes to the use of online resources.  Technology is a critical part of today’s classroom. We believe there is great potential for the use of online apps/tools to improve teaching and learning. The ever-increasing availability of online teaching and learning resources comes with inherent risks and concerns regarding student data, privacy, and student work. We as a district have a responsibility to ensure that student's data and privacy is adequately protected while using online digital resources for school work.

    SCSS safeguards a wide range of information about its students. SCSS manages each student’s personally identifiable information in accordance with Tennessee and Federal privacy laws, including FERPA and COPPA. SCSS will not share personally identifiable information with third-party providers unless there is a "legitimate educational interest" for the student(s).

    In efforts to continue protecting student information, SCSS has adopted a set of standards for the use of new online resources in the classroom.  These standards include the use of a vetting process to evaluate new apps/online tools for potential adoption. Only online apps/tools that are appropriate to meet instructional goals, that are well designed, and that meet the legal requirements to protect student privacy/data will be approved for use by students.

    Tip Line for Reporting Theft, Weapons, Bullying, Drugs and Other Suspicious Activities

    A partnership between the Sevier County School System and the ounty Sheriff’s Department provides a tip line where callers can remain anonymous. The phone number is 865-453-0312. Students are also encouraged to contact the principal, school counselor, or other trusted adult with issues around bullying, cyberbullying, threats of violence, or other social or emotional issues.


    Child Advocacy

    Child advocacy group contact information is accessible on the Special Education page of the Sevier County Schools website. Organizations available to help with information, training, and advocacy are noted.  Links are also provided as a service to individuals seeking additional avenues for help and information.  The Sevier County School System does not intend this as an endorsement or recommendation for any individual, organization, or service represented on the pages.

    Child Abuse and Neglect

    School personnel are required by state law to watch for signs of child abuse and neglect. They are also required by law to report any information or suspicions to the proper authorities. Once such reports are made to outside agencies, however, please understand that those agencies – and not the school system – will remain in charge of any related investigations and/or actions.


    Children and Youth in Transition

    The Sevier County School System will ensure that all children and youth receive a free appropriate public education and are given meaningful opportunities for success in school. The system will follow the requirements outlined in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act. A copy of the policies related to McKinney-Vento is available in the school office.


    Safe School Choice

    Every public school shall annually notify parents that if their child is the victim of a violent crime at school, the child has the right to attend another grade-appropriate school in the district.


    Parents Right to Know

    The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requires that all schools notify parents that they have a right to request and receive timely information on the professional qualifications of the teachers and paraprofessionals working with their children.



    ASBESTOS Management Plans

    Parent(s)/guardian(s), upon request, shall be given the opportunity to review the Asbestos Management Plan. The Sevier County School System’s AHERA Management Plan is available for public inspection upon request at the Sevier County School System Maintenance Department at 405 Catlett Road, Sevierville, Tennessee 37862. Anyone interested in reviewing this plan should contact Kevin McClure or Roger Shorter at 865-453-4140.

  • The school district’s website features a copy of the Sevier County Board of Education Policy Manual as well as other meaningful school related information. A link is available from the website to our school’s website.


    Tennessee Report Card

    The current TENNESSEE REPORT CARD is available at the State Department of Education website and on the school system’s website. The Tennessee Report Card provides information about demographics, statistics, and performance indicators for both the system and school.


    Severe Weather Closings

    Announcements by Superintendent of Schools concerning the closing of schools in Sevier County will be made on local radio and television stations as well as the school system’s website and app.  In the event of an emergency or abrupt closing, a phone messaging service will be utilized.  When the primary phone number for a student changes, the primary parent or guardian should contact school officials and request that the child’s phone numbers be updated on all enrollment information as well as in the district’s messaging system.

    Bulletins and Announcements

    Announcements are posted daily on the SHS website. All posted announcements or bulletins must be approved by the principal or an assistant principal.


    Student Messages

    Only in cases of emergency will phone messages be delivered to students during class. The nature of emergency must be specified to a school official before normal classroom activities will be interrupted. Non-emergency messages will be given to students during class breaks and lunches.


    Office Telephone

    Office telephones are for business purposes only. Students will be permitted to make necessary, approved telephone calls during the school day from the office. If a student becomes ill or is injured during the school day, a nurse or SHS staff will call and notify the parent.


    Surveys, Analyses, and Evaluations of Students

    Surveys, analyses, and evaluations for research purposes shall be allowed by the Sevier County Board of Education (SCBE) when the project is viewed as contributory to a greater understanding of the teaching-learning process, the project does not violate the goals of the SCBE, and the disruption of the regular school program is minimal.


    No student shall be required to submit to a survey. Per state and federal law, prior to the dissemination of a survey, analysis, or evaluation to students, parent(s)/guardian(s) shall be notified of their ability to review the materials. Such notification shall include information indicating the purpose of the survey, analysis, or evaluation as well as who will have access to the results. Following such notification and prior to the administration of the survey, analysis, or evaluation, parent(s)/guardian(s) may opt their student out of participation.

  • The Sevier County School System, in keeping with the mandate from the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), aims to provide the least restrictive environment for all students. We recognize and encourage parent participation as an essential and vital element of the total education process.

    As noted in Board Policy 510, the Sevier County Board of Education will identify, locate, and provide a free appropriate public education to all disabled children ages 3-21, inclusive, residing within the jurisdiction of this school system. The plan for implementation of appropriate instruction and services will be in accordance with the current Rules, Regulations, and Minimum Standards of the State Board of Education, as well as state and federal law. 

    The Board will develop and periodically update a local plan for providing special education services for all disabled students. Specifically, the Board assures that:

    1. All disabled children living within the school system have available to them a free, appropriate public education which emphasizes special education and related services to meet their unique needs provided in the least restricted environment; and
    1. Educational services will comply with state and federal law to ensure the rights of disabled children and their parents are protected.

    A plan developed pursuant to the IDEA, 34 C.F.R. § 300.324 will aim toward meeting the following objectives:

    1. To develop and conduct a comprehensive screening and assessment plan emphasizing the early identification and evaluation of disabled students that are administered in accordance with the requirements and parameters of the IDEA.

    A parent may seek an independent educational evaluation (IEE) if the parent disagrees with all or part of the assessment completed by the System; such an IEE may be paid for by the System if the IEE meets the System’s criteria; however, the System may, at its option, initiate a due process hearing to show the System’s evaluation was appropriate; if the System prevails in the hearing, the parent still may obtain an IEE but not at System expense;

    1. To use the individualized education program (IEP) team for reviewing assessment, formulating programming, and determining placement for every disabled student;
    1. To ensure that placements are made which educate disabled children in the least restrictive environment;
    1. To provide each disabled child with an individual educational program (IEP) specifically designed to meet his/her needs, including class sizes that are in compliance with the required BEP formula (such class sizes will be monitored periodically.);
    1. To ensure that procedural safeguards required by state and federal laws are adhered to; and
    1. To involve parents of disabled children in a meaningful, ongoing dialogue.

    A plan developed pursuant to Section 504 will aim toward meeting the following objectives:

    1. To develop effective 504 teams to assist in providing accommodations to students with physical or mental impairment(s) that substantially limit one or more major life activity.
    1. To use the 504 team to evaluate students by reviewing information from a variety of sources, such as teacher observations, standardized test scores, report cards, and information from parents and medical providers;
    1. 504 teams will reevaluate students every three years, before any significant changes in placement, or at the request of the parents or school personnel;
    1. To ensure that procedural safeguards required by state and federal laws are adhered to; and
    1. To involve parents of disabled children in a meaningful, ongoing dialogue.

    Class Size Requirements


    Students with disabilities placed in the general education classroom will receive a free appropriate public education. The instructional needs of all students will be met. Equitable and educationally sound placement of all students including students with disabilities will be achieved. The state’s BEP formula will be utilized in determining class size for all classrooms.


    Free and Appropriate Public Education

    The provisions for a free appropriate public education and the requirements under state law and IDEA are met following the listed criteria.

    1. Make educational placement decisions for all students, including students with disabilities, based on the instructional needs of the students.
    2. Provide joint staff development and training of general education and special education teachers (models, strategies and interventions) for maintaining an inclusive classroom;
    3. Facilitate interactive planning session with general education and special education teachers as well as paraprofessionals regarding each disabled student’s IEP;
    4. Train general education teachers on modifications and accommodations to the IEP;
    5. Provide the technical assistance needed to general education teachers in order to address the needs of individual students;
    6. Training for paraprofessionals is provided to ensure that they acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to assist students in the general education classroom;
    7. Provide all students in the general education classroom access to the standard textbooks and instructional materials used in the class with alternative and supplemental materials provided as necessary;
    8. Integrate qualified handicapped students into the general education classroom and/or extracurricular activities to the maximum extent appropriate to the needs of the handicapped student.
    9. Provide resources and support such as supplemental aids and materials for students to progress in the general curriculum and be successful in the general education classroom (e.g. assistive technology devices and services paraprofessional support, adaptations in the classroom).


    Student Discipline

    Disciplinary Exclusion of Student with a Disability

    1. A disciplinary exclusion of a student with a disability from school is a significant change in placement if
      1. the exclusion is for more than 10 consecutive school days; or
      2. a series of exclusions that are each of 10 days or less in duration creates a pattern of exclusion.
        1. Factors that should be considered in determining whether a series of exclusions creates a pattern of exclusion include, but are not limited to:
          1. the length of each exclusion,
          2. the proximity in time of the exclusions to one another,
          3. the total amount of time the student is excluded from school,
          4. and similarities of one behavior to another which resulted in the disciplinary actions.
    2. Before implementing a disciplinary action that constitutes a significant change in placement under Section 1, the District will convene and conduct a manifestation determination meeting with a multi-disciplinary team of individuals knowledgeable about the student, the student's evaluation data, and the placement options, in accordance with the requirements of 34 C.F.R. § 104.35. The multi-disciplinary team will conduct the manifestation meeting as follows:
      1. Make a determination as to whether the student's misconduct is a manifestation of the student's disability;
      2. Make a determination as to whether the student's misconduct is due to inappropriate placement;
      3. Make a placement decision.
        1. If the student's misconduct is either a manifestation of the student's disability or is due to an inappropriate placement, the multi-disciplinary team must determine what, if any, modifications to the student's educational placement are necessary and the student may not be disciplined.
        2. If the student's misconduct is not a manifestation of the student's disability or is not due to an inappropriate placement, the student may be disciplined in the same manner as similarly situated students without disabilities would be disciplined.
      4. Provide the student's parents or guardian notice of both the manifestation determination and the placement decision in a prompt manner. The student's parents or guardian also must be provided with a copy of their procedural safeguards and rights related to the disciplinary action in a prompt manner.


    According to Board Policy 625, the principal may suspend a student from attendance to school for as long as ten days or from riding a school bus for ten days if the conduct of the student is such to warrant such action. The suspension will be reported to the Central Office on forms provided and the student's parent or guardian will be notified by presentation of the parent copy of the suspension form to the parent in person or by letter (registered if necessary). The suspension form will not be given to the student to deliver to the parent/guardian. If the suspension is for more than five (5) days, the principal shall develop and implement a plan of behavior which shall be made available for the Superintendent or his/her designee upon request.

     An offense that warrants expulsion will be reported in writing as a recommendation for a Superintendent's hearing. After the Superintendent's hearing the student may be assigned an additional suspension of up to ten days, assigned alternative placement, or expelled. The parents or guardian may appeal any suspension or expulsion as outlined in Board Policy 606.


    Please sign the form below and submit it to your child’s classroom teacher. Failure to sign and return the form does not relieve the student from the responsibility of complying with the rules and policies referenced in the Student Handbook. 

    I hereby acknowledge that I have been provided with a copy of the Student Handbook and have read and understand the handbook and the related policies. 


    I understand and will abide by Sevier County Board of Education Policy 519 (Network and Internet Use).  I further understand that any violation of the regulations noted in the policy is unethical and may constitute criminal offense.  Should I commit any violation, I understand that my access privileges may be revoked or school disciplinary action may be taken, and/or appropriate legal action taken.


    As parents or guardians of this student, I have read Sevier County Board of Education Policy 519 (Network and Internet Use) and agree to its terms and conditions.  I understand that this is designed for educational purposes.  I will not hold the Sevier County School System responsible for controversial materials acquired on the network.  Further, I accept full responsibility for supervision if and when my child’s use is not in a school setting. I hereby give permission to allow Internet access for my child.


    Name of Student:  _____________________________  Student’s School: _______________________

    Parent/Guardian Name:  _______________________________________________________________


    _________________________________________             ___________________________________

    Signature of Student       Date


    __________________________________________           ____________________________________

    Signature of Parent       Date



    Please place an X by any statement below that describes something you want to opt out of on behalf of your child. Opting out means that you do not want your child to participate or information to be distributed as noted.


    ____The release of your child’s name for honor roll, academic, or other school-related functions. By checking this box, your child’s name will not appear in the yearbook or any school programs, including the graduation program. 


    ____The release of your child’s photo for use by the media or for website publication. 


    ____The release of your child’s directory information. 


    ____The participation of your child in student surveys, analyses, and evaluations, including school climate surveys. 


    ____The access to electronic media by your child while at school.


    ________________________________________    _____________________________

    Signature of Parent/Guardian Date