The Curriculum Guide contains general information regarding scheduling, graduation requirements, course selections, and course descriptions to support you in selecting courses to create, review, and/or update your four-year high school plan. The Sevier County School System promotes and provides each student with rigorous college and career programs of study necessary for college and career readiness.
The Sevier County School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, color, religion, national orgin, age, handicap, or veteran status in provision of eduational opporutnities, programs, activities, or employment opporutntieis and benefits. Inquires or completed grievance forms should be referred to Dr. Whit Helton, Title IX Coordinator, 226 Cedar Street, Sevierville, TN 37862
The Sevier County School System reserves the right to make changes to the Program of Studies. The Program of Studies is superseded by changes in Sevier County Board of Education policies and state law. The information herein is based on current interpretation of legislative changes by the Tennessee Board of Education and is subject to changes in the future.
The Sevier County School System will provide a safe, inclusive learning environment and diverse educational opportunities for all students as reflected through data-driven analysis to develop skills needed to graduate from high school and enter post-secondary education and/or the workforce.
During the months of February and March, students register for the courses they will be taking the next year. This curriculum guide provides students and parents with information about courses required as well as courses students will be able to choose according to his/her interests.
At the end of the eighth grade year, students with the help of parents and a school representative will select classes for the 9th grade year and begin the plan for high school. This includes the use of placement tests. Each student will need to complete a core unit of 22 credits plus meet the requirements for a Program of Study. A total of 28 credits must be earned in order for a student to graduate. This plan will be monitored as the student progresses through high school. During 10th grade this plan will be updated to incorporate plans after high school.
Students and parents are advised to select courses with great care. Students will be allowed to make necessary schedule changes during the first three days of each term. Schedule changes will not occur during the semester. Exceptions may include meeting the needs of a graduating senior or other emergency situations as designated by the building level principal. Courses that are failed first term may be repeated the second term on a space available basis. Students are encouraged to attend summer school or credit recovery to make up any failures. Information for summer school is available in the spring of the school year. Only one unit of credit is allowed. The higher of the two grades will be calculated in the grade point average.